2018 Fashion Air Pollution Mask Trend
3.1. Microplastic inhalation risks posed by using different types of masks
Microplastics were observed during the breathing simulation experiment with masks ( Fig. 2). The observed microplastics were mostly cobweb-like and spherical types. The accumulated amounts of fiber-like microplastics during the 720 h animate simulation test using dissimilar types of masks are provided in Table 1. The fiber-like microplastics accumulated afterward 720 h of vacuum suction exhibited the highest amount with the activated carbon mask. The N95 respirator had the lowest amount of fiber-like microplastics even when compared with non wearing a mask. For the test without mask, 1835 fiber-like microplastics were establish after 720 h of vacuum suction. These microplastics came from the air. On the footing of these findings, a conclusion can exist drawn that N95 respirators tin can mitigate cobweb-like microplastic inhalation from the air fifty-fifty when they are used for a long time. The other types of masks, i.e., surgical, cotton, manner, nonwoven, and activated carbon masks, can reduce fiber-like microplastic inhalation hazard when they are worn for 2–4 h. The microplastic inhalation risk posed by using the seven types of masks was tested for suction fourth dimension ranging from ii h to 720 h. The results showed that the increment in fiber-like microplastic amount exhibits a highly linear correlation with fourth dimension (P < 0.01). The corporeality of fiber-similar microplastics was adamant to exist 25, 38, 92, 69, 47, 112, 153, and 172 particles after the continuous use of N95, surgical-A, cotton, mode, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, and in the blank case, respectively, based on 2 h of fake respiration. The amount of fiber-like microplastics in the blank example (i.e., without mask) was e'er higher than those of the cases with masks when suction time was less than 24 h, except for the activated carbon mask. The activated carbon mask used in this study was a depression-priced brand (i.due east., 0.2 RMB/piece, 1 RMB ≈ 0.xiv USD; the prices of the other masks are listed in Tabular array S1). The high chance of fiber-similar microplastic inhalation posed past using the studied activated carbon mask can exist attributed to the inferior materials used in the production of this mask (Neupane et al., 2019). The poor-quality cloth of the mask was easily damaged, and the generated microplastics were inhaled by the user. In summary, all the tested masks can help reduce microplastic inhalation from the air when used for less than 2 h compared with not wearing a mask. Wearing low-quality masks for longer than 4 h can pose higher fiber-similar microplastic inhalation run a risk than not wearing a mask. When the masks are reused for a long fourth dimension, just N95 respirators pose less cobweb-like microplastic inhalation gamble compared with not wearing a mask. When reused masks are worn for 720 h, fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk is 0.04, 0.54, 0.40, 0.16, 0.73, and 1.17 times higher than that without wearing a mask. The inhalation risks of fiber-like microplastics posed by wearing a reused mask for 2 h are arranged from high to depression equally follows: no mask > activated carbon mask > surgical-B mask > cotton mask > fashion > nonwoven mask > surgical-A mask > N95 respirator. The inhalation risks of fiber-like microplastics posed by wearing a reused mask for 720 h are bundled from high to low as follows: activated carbon mask > surgical-B mask > cotton wool mask > style mask > nonwoven mask > surgical-A mask > no mask > N95 respirator. This could summarize that most masks afterward using for 720 h present higher fiber-like microplastics than without mask, those cobweb-like microplastics could mostly originate from the mask itself.

Fiber-like and spherical-type microplastics observed in this written report (a – from surgical A mask, b – from activated carbon mask, c – from surgical B mask, d – from cotton fiber mask, e – from nonwoven mask, and f – from manner mask).
Table i
Accumulated amount of fiber-like microplastics observed during the 720 h breathing simulation with dissimilar types of commonly used masks.
Times (h) | N95 | Surgical-A | Cotton | Fashion | Non- woven | Surgical-B | Activated carbon | Blank -No mask |
ii | 25 | 38 | 92 | 69 | 47 | 112 | 153 | 172 |
4 | 45 | 57 | 123 | 83 | 69 | 138 | 249 | 197 |
8 | 80 | 91 | 180 | 133 | 115 | 214 | 447 | 237 |
24 | 110 | 137 | 222 | 185 | 150 | 264 | 540 | 275 |
48 | 179 | 202 | 303 | 245 | 211 | 374 | 725 | 348 |
96 | 268 | 301 | 484 | 397 | 341 | 516 | 958 | 428 |
120 | 308 | 392 | 581 | 478 | 418 | 620 | 1120 | 482 |
168 | 366 | 515 | 741 | 654 | 540 | 780 | 1352 | 643 |
360 | 719 | 961 | 1337 | 1318 | 1026 | 1556 | 2086 | 911 |
720 | 1521 | 1913 | 2824 | 2576 | 2134 | 3180 | 3984 | 1835 |
The accumulated amounts of spherical-type microplastic particles observed during the 720 h animate simulation exam using unlike types of masks are provided in Tabular array 2. The amount of accumulated spherical-type microplastics was significantly correlated with suction time (P < 0.01). When suction time was 2 h, the spherical-type particles observed with the N95, surgical-A, cotton wool, mode, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, and without a mask were 1695, 1808, 2241, 3110, 2152, 3090, 2212, and 3918, respectively. When suction time was increased, spherical-type particle inhalation gamble continuously decreased compared with that without mask. The particle amount when N95 was used for two h was 43% that of the no mask instance and only four% after 720 h of suction. Nevertheless, spherical-type particle inhalation risk remained high regardless of whether masks were worn or non (the filter membrane prototype after the breathing test is shown in Fig. S2). In conclusion, reusing all the types of masks tested in this study for 720 h poses less microplastic inhalation gamble compared with not wearing a mask. If masks are used as disposable products and changed into new ones every 2–four h, and so the amount of particles inhaled can also exist calculated after wearing masks for 720 h (Table S2). The ratio of the predicted particle amount after masks were worn for a long time to the actual counted amount was calculated (Table S3). The results indicated that frequently changing masks, e.g., every 2 h, poses college particle inhalation risks compared with using old masks for a long time. This finding besides unsaid that wearing masks for a long time reduces the particle penetration charge per unit of masks, particularly for N95 respirators. For example, people are probable to wear masks for 8 h since it is a full working day, it could reduce the microplastics inhalation with a continuous wearing of 8 h instead of alter new mask per two–4 h, if not considering the virus issue (Tabular array 2, Table S2). Meanwhile, animate rate may likewise be enhanced because more than air is required to laissez passer through the mask. The amount of particles tin can too modify with increasing animate rate. In this study, a suction rate of fifteen L/min was selected on the basis of the average medium animate rate of humans (Garcia et al., 2015, Tian et al., 2017, Liu et al., 2014). Further research on microplastic inhalation risk under unlike breathing rates should exist conducted in the near time to come.
Table ii
Accumulated amount of particle observed during the 720 h breathing simulation with different types of commonly used masks.
Times (h) | N95 | Surgical -A | Cotton | Style | Non- woven | Surgical -B | Activated carbon | Blank -No mask |
2 | 1695 | 1808 | 2241 | 3110 | 2152 | 3090 | 2212 | 3918 |
4 | 2268 | 2648 | 3567 | 6622 | 3612 | 6568 | 3417 | 7946 |
8 | 3290 | 3797 | 6963 | 12,158 | 6292 | 12,625 | 6033 | fifteen,732 |
24 | 4678 | 6631 | 12,848 | 24,643 | 7814 | 24,279 | 9988 | 39,700 |
48 | 6790 | ten,495 | 26,690 | 47,722 | 14,598 | 42,119 | 16,174 | 92,236 |
96 | 9294 | 22,081 | 46,892 | 91,800 | 25,705 | 76,833 | 29,912 | 184,618 |
120 | 10,810 | 26,585 | 55,932 | 109,986 | 29,269 | 99,487 | 34,814 | 212,994 |
168 | 12,660 | 36,953 | 72,006 | 145,374 | 36,423 | 128,054 | 47,028 | 249,114 |
360 | 23,265 | 71,545 | 158,660 | 295,832 | 85,664 | 268,897 | 92,453 | 562,842 |
720 | 44,853 | 140,069 | 302,242 | 597,980 | 169,316 | 523,791 | 181,017 | i,121,316 |
Fiber-like microplastic inhalation adventure posed by wearing masks for less than 168 h (7 days) was lower than that posed by not wearing a mask, except for surgical-B and activated carbon masks. This event unsaid that reusing masks volition not increase fiber-similar microplastic inhalation take chances. Information technology likewise suggested that the microplastics were from the air, and just a low percentage of microplastics was rejected past the masks. N95 exhibited the highest rejection performance in all the tested masks. The high fiber-similar microplastic inhalation take a chance posed past using surgical B and activated carbon masks suggested that these masks can generate fiber-similar microplastics from the materials used in their manufacture, such every bit PP and polyethylene (Jung et al., 2020). For spherical-type particles, the amount of microplastic inhalation using N95 was 43% compared with that of the blank case afterward 2 h of testing and four% after 360 h of testing. This upshot implied that spherical-type microplastics from the air that passed through N95 masks decrease with time. Some particles from the air can be ejected into the inner structure hole of N95 masks, reducing spherical-type microplastic inhalation in the long term. Cobweb-similar microplastic inhalation risk is considerably lower ( Table iii, g = two.0–5.0) than that of spherical-type microplastics ( Table 4, k = 58.ii–1545.0). N95 masks ever pose lower microplastic inhalation run a risk compared with the other types of masks. The aforementioned trend was too observed in other types of masks. Wearing masks for a long time can increment animate resistance. This phenomenon should also be considered in future inquiry.
Tabular array 3
Kinetic coefficients of fiber-like microplastics accumulation after the 720 h animate simulation test with dissimilar types of masks.
N95 | Surgical -A | Cotton | Mode | Non-woven | Surgical-B | Activated carbon | Blank- No mask | |
R2 | 0.9961 | 0.9989 | 0.9972 | 0.9996 | 0.9983 | 0.9979 | 0.9876 | 0.9924 |
k | 2.0 | 2.6 | 3.7 | iii.5 | two.eight | 4.2 | 5.0 | 2.2 |
Tabular array 4
Kinetic coefficients of particle accumulation later the 720 h animate simulation examination with different types of masks.
N95 | Surgical-A | Cotton | Mode | Non-woven | Surgical-B | Activated carbon | Blank- No mask | |
R2 | 0.9964 | 0.9994 | 0.9993 | 0.9995 | 0.9987 | 0.9996 | 0.9994 | 0.9984 |
m | 58.2 | 192.0 | 417.iv | 820.five | 230.8 | 721.five | 246.6 | 1545.0 |
three.ii. Microplastic inhalation risks posed past using masks treated with various disinfection processes
Considering poverty and resources reuse beliefs worldwide, reusing masks with or without applying a disinfection process is a common practice. Microplastic inhalation risk posed past using mutual commercial masks that underwent different disinfection processes was also investigated. Spherical- and fiber-like microplastic inhalation risks posed past using N95, surgical-A, cotton, style, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks treated via UV irradiation, alcohol disinfection, air blower treatment, washing with water, exposure to sunlight, and without treatment, were tested ( Fig. three, Table 5, Tabular array S4, Table S5). Spherical- and fiber-similar microplastic inhalation risks increased after treatment. After treating via UV irradiation for thirty min, spherical-blazon microplastic inhalation take a chance posed by wearing masks for two h increased one.33, 0.23, iii.72, 1.28, four.84, one.86, and 1.07 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, way, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. Afterwards treating via alcohol disinfection, spherical-type microplastic inhalation risk posed past wearing masks for two h increased 9.07, 3.41, 1.40, 1.57, half dozen.68, 2.35, and 3.51 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. For air blower treatment, spherical-blazon microplastic inhalation chance posed by wearing masks for 2 h increased 3.31, 1.45, 2.99, 0.96, 0.25, −0.06, and 1.64 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. For washing with h2o treatment, spherical-type microplastic inhalation risk posed past wearing masks for ii h increased 0.16, 0.47, 0.fifteen, 0.97, 0.38, 0.17, and 0.x times for N95, surgical-A, cotton wool, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. For sunlight irradiation, spherical-type microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks for ii h increased 1.52, 0.01, ane.20, 0.lx, 0.74, 0.03, and 1.99 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton wool, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively.

Accumulated particles observed with the vii normally used masks after different treatments for reuse.
Table five
Kinetic coefficients of particle accumulation after the 12 h breathing simulation test with different types of masks that underwent diverse handling processes for reuse.
N95 | Surgical-A | Cotton | Mode | Not-woven | Surgical-B | Activated carbon | ||
UV - 30 min | Rii | 0.998 | 0.9986 | 0.9995 | 0.9957 | 0.996 | 0.9996 | 0.9993 |
k | 1322.1 | 951.eight | 3310.1 | 1755.6 | 4033.5 | 2706.four | 1236.2 | |
Alcohol disinfection | R2 | 0.9956 | 0.9997 | 0.9994 | 0.9992 | 0.9974 | 0.9994 | 0.9995 |
k | 5659.6 | 3034.half-dozen | 2069.5 | 2619.v | 7452.7 | 3832.five | 3360.0 | |
Air blower disinfection | R2 | 0.9992 | 0.9994 | 0.9929 | 0.9987 | 0.9959 | 0.9993 | 0.9997 |
k | 1982.vii | 1534.4 | 2460.9 | 2026.9 | 1147.8 | 1045.four | 1822.3 | |
Washing | R2 | 0.9965 | 0.9995 | 0.999 | 0.9952 | 0.9987 | 0.9987 | 0.9988 |
k | 635.i | 1013.7 | 1047.6 | 2410.5 | 1202.9 | 1471.one | 913.5 | |
Sunlight irradiation | Rtwo | 0.9994 | 0.9996 | 0.9978 | 0.9984 | 0.9997 | 0.9983 | 0.9987 |
grand | 1398.ii | 670.56 | 1544.seven | 1720.2 | 1520.2 | 894.eight | 2167.nine | |
Bare -New mask | Rtwo | 0.9988 | 0.9987 | 0.9959 | 0.9975 | 0.998 | 0.9982 | 0.994 |
g | 656.3 | 756.three | 1024.seven | 1207.0 | 993.5 | 1039.8 | 945.0 |
The increase in microplastic inhalation risk later on unlike treatments exhibited minimal changes when the masks were worn for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 h. The results indicated that washing with h2o and natural drying indoor is the gentlest method for treating masks for reuse, in which damage to all mask structures and spherical-type microplastic inhalation run a risk were the lowest. Alcohol disinfection acquired the heaviest harm to the masks' structures, particularly for N95. Sunlight irradiation has the lowest effect on surgical masks. These results can also be observed in Table five, where the k value of the masks was considerably increased afterward treatment with booze compared with the other treatment processes. This finding can also be related to the quality of commercially available masks (Cherrie et al., 2018).
Fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk also increased after disinfection treatment for mask reuse compared with that without treatment ( Fig. four and Tabular array 6 and Table S3). The corporeality of fiber-like microplastics was still lower than that of spherical-type microplastics in all the cases. After treating with UV irradiation for xxx min, fiber-similar microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks for ii h increased 0.80, 0.66, 0.83, −0.13, one.17, 0, and 0.21 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, style, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. After treating with booze disinfection, fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks for 2 h increased 2.96, 2.63, ii.91, 0.48, two.89, 1.79, and 0.89 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton wool, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. For air blower handling, fiber-like microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks for 2 h increased four.28, i.68, 0.66, 2.48, 6.91, −0.17, and 0.70 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. For washing with water, cobweb-like microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks for 2 h increased 2.24, 0.58, 0.13, 2.74, i.30, 0.47, and 0.38 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. For sunlight irradiation, cobweb-similar microplastic inhalation adventure posed by wearing masks for 2 h increased 1.04, 0.26, 1.10, 0.39, 1.23, 0.34, and 0.72 times for N95, surgical-A, cotton, fashion, nonwoven, surgical-B, and activated carbon masks, respectively. The increment in fiber-similar microplastic inhalation take a chance later on different treatment processes was slightly reduced by wearing masks for 2, four, 6, 8, ten, and 12 h. The results implied that nearly all the disinfection treatments exerted the highest result on N95 (Liao et al., 2020, Mills et al., 2018, Xiang et al., 2020). Meanwhile, the amount of fiber-similar microplastics observed when using N95 afterward unlike disinfection treatments was notwithstanding lower than those of the other masks (k = 23.1–66.6 for N95, k = 25–211.8 for the other masks). This finding provides the decision that N95 achieves better functioning in reducing cobweb-like microplastic inhalation risk even after undergoing unlike disinfection treatments.

Accumulated fiber-like microplastics observed with the vii commonly used masks after dissimilar treatments for reuse.
Table six
Kinetic coefficients of fiber-like microplastic aggregating later the 12 h breathing simulation test with different types of masks that underwent various treatment processes for reuse.
N95 | Surgical-A | Cotton | Fashion | Non-woven | Surgical-B | Activated carbon | ||
UV - 30 min | R2 | 0.9964 | 0.9989 | 0.9994 | 0.9964 | 0.9924 | 0.9978 | 0.9997 |
k | 23.i | 25.0 | 57.i | 47.5 | 41.7 | 56.2 | 122.9 | |
Booze disinfection | Rii | 0.9985 | 0.9931 | 0.9967 | 0.995 | 0.9937 | 0.9956 | 0.9931 |
k | 54.four | lxx.7 | 174.3 | 56.4 | 98.4 | 169.5 | 202.half-dozen | |
Air blower disinfection | R2 | 0.994 | 0.9957 | 0.9986 | 0.9985 | 0.9997 | 0.9911 | 0.9975 |
k | 66.six | 68.5 | 79.7 | 146.6 | 211.8 | 56.7 | 186.9 | |
Washing | R2 | 0.994 | 0.9949 | 0.9964 | 0.9959 | 0.9962 | 0.9966 | 0.9878 |
k | 48.ix | 30.nine | 56.ix | 128.3 | 70.seven | 75.4 | 142.6 | |
Sunlight irradiation | R2 | 0.9936 | 0.9939 | 0.992 | 0.9954 | 0.9978 | 0.9984 | 0.9987 |
g | 33.half dozen | 35.4 | 89.viii | 49.0 | 48.vii | 79.2 | 161.6 | |
Blank -New mask | Rii | 0.9956 | 0.9952 | 0.9971 | 0.997 | 0.9969 | 0.9945 | 0.9968 |
k | 17.8 | 21.i | 51.0 | 36.0 | 29.6 | 54.0 | 103.eight |
three.3. Microplastic identification from the breathing exam
The spherical- and cobweb-like microplastics collected during the breathing test by using different type of masks were identified under a microscope. To increase accuracy, the new platform, LDIR, was used. In this separate examination, surgical-A mask was used for the breathing exam for 2 h, and the collected microplastics were identified under LDIR. The microplastics observed and counted under the microscope were comparable with those identified under LDIR. The results indicated that 12% of the nerveless particles are silica, 42% can be confirmed as microplastics (12 unlike materials), and 46% are unknown ( Fig. 5). The unknown components can be due to the lack of data in the organization database, but they also exhibit high potential to be classified as microplastics. The FTIR spectrometry results indicated that virtually all the particles institute are plastics, although some of the materials cannot exist identified due to lack of information in the database. The diameter of the identified particles ranged from 20 µm to 500 µm, with xx–30, 30–100, and 100–500 µm accounting for 46%, 45%, and 9%, respectively. Detailed information of the microplastic materials are provided in Fig. S3. The amount of bachelor microplastics observed via Raman spectrometry of per 100 particles on the filtered membrane during the 2 h suction tests for all the masks were also determined (Fig. S4). The results indicated that 20–30% of the particles (by and large spherical-type particles) were microplastics. This value was slightly lower compared with the results of LDIR. Such discrepancy can be attributed to the detection limitation of Raman spectroscopy, wherein small particles are not detected and some peaks are unavailable in the library. Even so, nearly all the fiber-similar particles were easily identified as microplastics. The spherical microplastics nevertheless has a large corporeality even when calculated in terms percentage. The LDIR results as well supported the finding that over ninety% of the identified particles are 20–100 µm. Although the effects of microplastics and other particles in the air on humans remain unclear, the results of this study still provide sufficient guidance in wearing masks.

Particle material identification results of LDIR (a – microplastic pct, b – particle diameter distribution, c – observed microplastic fragments, d – one drop of sample with water prepared and observed under this platform).
three.4. Microbiology business of reusing masks
In this written report, we conducted experiments with mask reuse from 2 to 720 h. Wearing masks is recommended for 2–4 h during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reusing masks may increase the risks posed by the virus remaining on a mask's surface and beingness passed through the mask or transferred to the body. Nonetheless, some people reuse masks with or without applying disinfection handling. Changing mask is recommended when it was used in a public place for ii–four h or similar cases where droplet transmission can occur. In this study, we tested microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks after undergoing different disinfection treatments. However, virus detection was non included in this study. Hence, the results of this written report regarding mask reuse will be unable to provide suggestions for preventing COVID-19 transmission. Masks become an environmental trouble when improper used and disposed of. The results of this study can provide suggestions for mask employ and reuse and for reducing microplastic and particle inhalation risks in places where COVID-xix is under command.
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